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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Peer Blog Review: Janelle McCune

Hey Janelle! So, I am just going to direct this post to you so you can look through and see my reviews/suggestions about your blog!

*Number of Posts:  
You've posted 13 posts to date. 

*Quality of Posts: 
You have had a few really good, substantial posts. For example, your historical analysis of King Henry IV was really good. It fulfilled a few learning outcomes, and was well organized and written out on your blog. Also, your formalistic view of Hamlet was really interesting and well done as well. It engages literary criticism of the text, which is something I'm trying to figure out how to do better myself. Your self-directed learning plan is also really organized and well planned. Overall though, your less substantial posts are more prevalent than your substantial posts. I commend your effort to follow Professor Burton's advice to continue blogging even if it can't be substantial! I would say that working on getting your posts more substantial would be a good goal for you.

*A Strength:
I think my favorite post of yours was the historical outline of King Henry IV. I think this post was really good for a few reasons! First, I liked how you gave a brief history of the major events. I also liked how you included a comparison of the actual Royal Genealogy of England as compared to Shakespeare's Royal Genealogy of England. The timeline that you included was also really informative and interesting. All in all, this post was really well done. 

*Suggested Improvement:
As I mentioned, I think focusing on making your posts more substantial would be a good goal for you. You've had good ideas with regards to how to do that. I like how you are trying to use literary lenses like formalism and mythology to study different plays, and are stepping out on a limb by proposing ideas like a puppet show, but I think you need to just make sure you go for it and get them going! You have a good start though!